Thursday, December 29, 2016


ACCIONA has 2Gw of new wind power ready for Spain.

ACC, SUMEC forming 100Mw solar pipeline partnership.

Macquarie closed on 104Mw US solar power buy.

Azure Power got 50Mw solar power project for $.06/Kwh.

Maine net-metering rules OK for now: state regulators.

$21B of China investment set to increase Pakistan powergen cap 60% next 2 years.

Petrobras $5B finance deal with China Development Bank. Petrobras to supply 100Kb/d to 3 China comps.

Total gained access to 2 of Brazil's largest oilfields for $2.2B.

US shale oil drillers' costs now down to ~$30-40/bl. In part from equipment standardization. Offshore drillers could slash costs up to 1/3 with such standardization.

New shale gas play in Oklahoma's SCOOP Basin.

114 US oil/gas drillers went bankrupt in '16. $57B total debt. 2x '15.

BP moving US HQ to Denver from Houston. 2/3 of its proved reserves in Rockies.

China expected to set ethanol import taxes by Feb.

Construction start on India's 1st cellulosic ethanol plant. $88M for 32M liter/yr production.

China's largest oilfield to cut capex 20% in '17.

Egypt oil/gas deals to jumpstart drilling.

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