Monday, January 9, 2017


N Korea punk leader says he can launch nuclear ICBM anytime he wants. OK, just thinking this out. Presumably, the US can shoot it out of the sky but if that detonates the nuke couldn't that shut down the US power grid at least in the western US if not shot down far enough away from West Coast? Or could it shut down Japan grid if shot down (exploded) too close to Asia. Or Taiwan or China? Or Hawaii if shot down/exploded halfway? Or Alaska?

Why we haven't assassinated this punk yet go back to the Church Senate hearings in the '70's. The US just won't do that anymore. Why no other nation won't go figure. Though maybe the punk has inserted hisself into the end of this world age scenario. And can light the candle or at least add to the fire. As he starves his people.

If anybody should be imprisoned or shot dead I nominate the punk of Korea. Along with what's his name of ISIS.

Just ruminatin'. Happy trails pards.

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