Monday, October 17, 2016


WTI under $50, Brent under $52. US natgas $3.25.
Fischer: low interest rates = longer, deeper recessions.
Assange internet access "severed".

(stock #s in %; new highs/lows over last 12 months):

OPTT up 20 with heavy volume in turn around.
QTWWQ up 16.
FCSMF up 15 with volume.
AMRS up 14 with very heavy volume.
AMLM up 10.
ZAAP up 9.
ACFN, MNGA up 8 with heavy volume.
EFOI, BNET up 7.

SSOL down 43 with heavy volume.
CABN down 25.
ESPH down 21.
LSCG down 20 with very heavy volume.
LEOM down 12 with volume.
VSPC down 11 with very heavy volume.
ACPW down 10 with volume.
NTCXF down 9, new low.
SENY down 9.
OCLN down 8, new low.
ALTI, ASTI down 7.
AWSL down 6, new low.
CBAK, EVSI down 6.
SEDG down 4, new low.
KNDI down 2, new low.

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