Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Climate change a risk to food security, small farmers: UN report.

Wind could supply 20% of global power by '30: Global Wind Energy Council.

Green Climate Fund announced $745M more of funding proposals.

Argentina awarded 400Mw of solar power in 1.1Gw clean/renewable power auction.

Japan, S Korea, China, Russia agreement to pursue Asia clean/ren power super grid.

UK must act now to secure zero-carbon heat by '50: Committee on Climate Change.

Credit Suisse partnering with Solar City (SCTY) for $300M of residential solar projects.

EVs to displace 13Mb/d oil by '40: Bloomberg. BP estimates oil demand to grow 20Mb/d over same time.

Clean/ren power, EVs to cause oil demand peak by '30: report.

Germany Bundesrat calling for ban on new internal combustion engines in cars by '30.

Canary Island infrastructure finished for pumped hydro power storage project.

Total new natgas discovery in N Sea.

US natgas production to dip this year v. '15.

Exxon to fight NY climate change probe.

Foreign investors invited to bid on 50 oil/gas fields in Iran.

Possible billions of barrels of undiscovered oil in Barents Sea: 3D survey.

Texas holds over 60B bls of shale oil: new data.

Libya oil production up to 550Kb/d.

Norway sued over Arctic drilling.

Judge ruled EPA must weigh rule-related job losses. (Coal industry case.)

EPA kept ambient lead standard for air.

10K endangered frogs washed onshore in Peru.

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