Monday, October 15, 2012


Norwegian professors say lifecycle production process for EV's creates up to 2x GHG's of conventional autos around world. But, in Europe, their clean E power gen gives EV's a 10-24% decrease in GHG's over conventional.

Under existing US rules, hydropower not qualified as "renewable" E (clean). Does that make any sense?

Cal to require PG&E to absorb 2/3 of cost to modernize NG pipeline system (after '10 explosion). PG&E wanted customers to pay 85% of cost.

Obama admin finalized plan to fast-track commercial solar development on public lands in southwest.

Norway to double tax on oil industry.

China started its cap-and-trade carbon market.

Shell seeking permit to export US crude. BP and 4 more oils have also applied. What would you decide? Possibly lower pump prices in US or govt income from exports and better trade balance? Duh, politically. What the hell is all the political rhetoric over energy independence since the '70's about? Of course, if we don't have the refining capacity here, we have to export crude. And our refining capacity continues to erode or corrode.

IEA: N America, global crude supply set to outstrip demand.

Treasury investigating Solar City (impending IPO) for its use of "fair market value" pricing on leased systems. Issue is Fed's 30% tax cred for solar based on installed system cost. Solar City's price often up to 50% higher for leased systems than for customer-owned installs. Cost govt $10M extra since '08. Comp also took Fed depreciation bonus, adding $6-7M more.

Polysilicon forecasted to fall 6% more by mid-'13 to record low $18/kg. $475 in '08. Major manufacturers in China, S Korea halted factory expansions. Polysil ~1/4 cost of PV solar panels. Capacity now enough for 40-45Gw of panels/year. Analysts expect 30-35Gw production this year. Polysi also used in eltronics, of course.

IEA: China could become oil product exports powerhouse if all planned refining capacity expansion projects go forth.

Sauds made NG discovery offshore in Red Sea.

Oil industry suing to overturn US rule requiring comps to report their payments to foreign govts to develop oil/NG fields. Saying it provides competitors valuable secrets. Huh.

Celtic Sea oil field may make Ireland self sufficient, possible exporter.

2 Euro insurers withdrew coverage for Iran oil trade tankers. Hong Kong comp storing Iran oil in them.

Bunge-Eugon to suspend production at Miss ethanol plant by end of Nov. High corn prices. Opened in '08. $3.8B/y revenues.

FL Biofuels plant now online. Waste veg oil to biodiesel. 6K gal/d. $500K county grant.

Lootah Biofuels, Algae Oil MOU for mass production of algae-based biofuels in Dubai.

Uranium spot prices hit 2-year low of $46. I'm not sure if that's in pounds or tons. I'm thinking pounds. Japan's nuke future (Germany, UK and others), excess inventory, slowing growth in China cited. Was near $70 before Fuku.

Oman may be planning 200M bl oil storage facility. Good side of Hormuz. Cushing, OK 62M bls. Abu Dhabi planning 230Kb/d refinery same location.

UK could face blackouts by '15 with phase-out of coal-fired power plants. Well, that's pretty stupid risk.

Crown State predicts UK has 153Gw tidal power potential. Yea, well, any going in water before '15?

Pattern Energy Group closed finance on 265Mw Cal wind farm. Siemens 2.37Mw turbines. 7 financiers. Almost all power online this year. Another one under the wire.

Corrosion likely cause of Chevron Cal refinery fire.

NRC: Diablo Canyon nuke seismically safe. Uh huh. Was Fuku deemed same?

Study links NC coal ash dumps to waterway, sediment contamination. (Mercury et al.)

China activist faces prison for publishing enviro books. Thankful to live in USA or other country with rights under law?

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