Tuesday, October 16, 2012


(stock #'s in %)

Market up 127/36/14. Naz back over 50-day lines. Volume, tho, fell off from morning pace to end up a little under average. Oil stopped at $92 to the penny. And the froth was bizzy working overtime.

PTOS up 100. CRGE up 59. CRCL up 56. DSTI up 45. Back to top (200-day) line. Big volume. Saw no news. Insiders. Now 40 after hours. WTWO up 40. SLMU up 26. NGLPF up 25. HOKU up 16. NFEC up 11. ASTI, VSPC, MGLT up 10. FSLR up 8, finishing above bottom 200-day line on above average volume. GERS up 5.

AONE stayed down 74 on bankruptcy. AEHI down 50. LEOM down 42, maybe on AONE's fall. ENSL down 34. CSKH down 33. BLDW down 24. SATC down 22. Probably going bankrupt too. GWBU, RNWEF down 19. LMRMF down 18. VLNCQ down 17. PRHL down 16. APWR, CSGH down 15. (Reminds me of report that China comps listed on US exchanges might just pull up their tents and leave. Can you name 1 that's done well?). DYMTF down 13. CBAK, EFOI down 12. RSOL, INIS down 11. NENE, NTCXF down 1.

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